▶ Cives Mundi busca socios en Bélgica, Francia, Luxemburgo, Países Bajos o Suiza para participar en un proyecto de Interreg Europe, liderado por el Gobierno del Principado de Asturias.
Os dejamos un texto en inglés, en el que se dan más detalles
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🗨 Cives Mundi is interested in submitting a proposal for the next call of the Interreg Europe programme (7th June), SIJMA. Social innovation for job and development opportunities in mining areas in transition around Europe with the aim of improving regional policies that foster social innovation and creativity among young people in mining areas undergoing reconversion and to create employment and development opportunities.
– By fostering public-private cooperation and collaboration with special social innovation centers.
– Encouraging entrepreneurship and the use of methodological models based on collective intelligence and co-creation.
– Promoting improved governance at regional and local level through the promotion of ideation and prototyping of actions and participatory innovation laboratories or living labs for the cooperative search for solutions to social problems.
This would be in principle the common thread. In addition, we would like to link it to rural and sparsely populated areas or areas with demographic challenges.
The leader of the project would be the Government of Asturias, an historic mining region in Northern Spain (https://patrimoniuindustrial.com/en/coal-mining-vertical-shafts/#:~:text=The%20rich%20coal%20supplies%20of,half%20of%20the%20following%20century).
We are finalizing forming the project partnership and we are interested in join as project partner a regional, local or national public authority from a Western region (Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Switzerland) that has the capacity to work on the subject matter of the project in question.
If you are interested or need more information, please contact us as soon as possible.
Phone: +34 975 23 31 69
Mail: ana@civesmundi.es